More Ways to Serve the Natural Products Industry | New Services for 2018


New offerings by Green Purse PR designed to help get more of your products into women's shopping carts.

Until recently, my research and public relations consultancy, Green Purse PR, has been 100% focused on planning and executing communications programs for clients. Given that I basically operate as a solo consultant (with support from partners such as food photographers and web designers,) I'm typically only able to support between three to four retainer clients at a time. Most of our clients work with Green Purse PR long-term. While that's amazing, it does not allow me to share my unique expertise with many companies.

Aside from industry speaking engagements, workshops, thought leadership articles and being interviewed in media, only a small amount of companies have been able to benefit from Green Purse PR's unique expertise in marketing natural products to health-conscious women, until now. 

Across the past few months we've been designing ways to serve the needs of more companies in the natural products industry. As we scale and grow our own business, we hope to help even more companies do the same.

Here are some of the exciting new programs on offer by Green Purse PR in 2018. We hope you will benefit from some or all of these offerings.

1) New Blog, #GetInHerCart

Given that we study how women shop for natural products, we're absolutely obsessed with what 'gets in her shopping cart.' We now publish two to four posts each month on #GetInHerCart, all about understanding and marketing to women around the world. Subscribe to our blog here

2) #GetInHerCart Innovation Studio

We're launching business intelligence products in the form of digital downloads covering a variety of topics that our clients have told us they want to learn more about. We're essentially taking a lot of the knowledge, best practices and tools we've garnered over the years, and making them available to the entire natural products industry. We've already launched our first two products, both focused on understanding and connecting with Whole Foods Market shoppers. Click here to learn more about our new Guide to Winning with Whole Foods Market Shoppers and our Whole Foods Market Instagram Account List. In addition to paid content, we are also offering resources, such as lists and calendars on our new resources page,

New digital products available for purchase at

3) One-on-One Virtual Consultations

We're so passionate about helping natural brands grow. I'm tired of companies wanting to work with Green Purse, but not being able to, simply because they don't have thousands of dollars to spend each month for our monthly retainer fee. One-on-one virtual consulting sessions (conducted via video conference on platforms like Zoom or Skype Video) enable companies of all sizes, budgets and locations to tap into our expertise, one hour at a time. 

We've just launched this service and have already had a great response with companies picking our brains on topics, such as, how to enter the American market, how to run effective social media campaigns, and talking through product plans and ideas to identify if they are likely to appeal to female consumers. 

I'm really excited about offering these new virtual sessions and know they will provide great value to a variety of companies. Click here to learn more and book your first session. 

In addition to these three new offerings, Green Purse PR is certainly still serving the needs of its clients with shop-along research (always a big focus for us,) workshops, PR Playbooks, and ongoing PR retainer services

We look forward to working with you in some way during 2018. Contact us if you're keen to work together to get more of your natural products into the shopping carts of health-conscious women.

- Lisa Mabe-Konstantopoulos, Founder, Green Purse PR