You Had Me At Organic -- New Moms Driving Demand for Healthy, Organic Products

Several recent studies keep pointing to new moms as a driving force behind organic products.  One such study, Baby Center's 2015 State of Modern Motherhood report, found that 63% of new moms are changing their grocery, food and beverage purchase criteria. The biggest change is that they start buying organic. 

I'm always telling clients in the organic industry that new moms are a marketer's dream. First time mothers represent a window of opportunity for brands. If brands can reach new moms on the cusp of a new life stage (preferably while they are still pregnant) they could potentially keep them as loyal consumers for a long time to come. 

As a new Millennial mom myself (currently my son is 8 months old), I can tell you from personal experience how much more scrutinizing I have become over food, personal care products, household cleaners, and even clothes. My own conversion to more natural products started years ago with food, and then eventually makeup, skincare and so forth. Now that I'm a mom with a baby eating solid food, I've transitioned into a full on "green purse mom." I've even thrown out (recycled of course) our plastic food containers and use glass storage whenever possible. I am convinced that "chemical-free is the way to be."

As women prepare to have their first child they enter into a new life stage. With motherhood comes new priorities and values that are factored in when making purchase decisions. Expecting mothers or new moms know that the choices they make at the supermarket not only impact them, but also the health of their baby. Because of that, many expecting mothers go through a cleansing period to rid themselves of potentially harmful products that they previously used, from unhealthy junk food, to harsh household cleaners.  During this transition phase, there is a big void for organic products to fill! 


If you want to grow your organic brand, you MUST reach new moms. How can your brand win with new moms? Contact me at lisa {at} and I'll be happy to share with you some of my thoughts on how Green Purse PR could support your company and get your organic products in new moms' shopping carts. 

- Lisa Mabe-Konstantopoulos, Founder, Green Purse PR

