Baby Food

You Had Me At Organic -- New Moms Driving Demand for Healthy, Organic Products

You Had Me At Organic -- New Moms Driving Demand for Healthy, Organic Products

First time mothers represent a window of opportunity for brands. If brands can reach new moms on the cusp of a new life stage (preferably while they are still pregnant) they could potentially keep them as loyal consumers for a long time to come. 

3 Ways Retailers Can Win With New Moms Online

I recently struck up a conversation one morning with fellow first-time mom while browsing fresh produce at a local specialty grocer. Both of us were closely examining the shop's organic sweet potatoes, looking for the very best ones. She offered me a tip she had recently learned -- that this grocer did not mind if you open up the pre-bagged potatoes and make your selection from there. We then realized we both had babies around the same age, and began exchanging ideas around home-made first solid food for babies.