shopper research

New Report | Consumers Prepare for Winter

New Report | Consumers Prepare for Winter

We recently asked our panel of consumers how they envision their lives changing come winter, as well as what products they anticipate buying and stocking up on. Many of them are expecting the transition to cold weather and more time at home and indoors to be difficult.

Understanding Consumer Needs this Winter

Understanding Consumer Needs this Winter

What will your consumers expect of your brand this fall?

How will your brand show consumers how to use your products to embrace comfort at home this fall season? Work with us to conduct virtual shopper research now to get the insights you need to craft the best marketing messaging and imagery to resonate with them this autumn. Learn more about our research below.

PR Campaign for Winter at Home | Seasonal Marketing

PR Campaign for Winter at Home | Seasonal Marketing

Seasons and holidays fuel the shopping and spending machine here in the USA.

We are offering a winter seasonal campaign, all around the theme of comfort at home to drive sales of your products this upcoming fall season. Work with Green Purse PR to keep your brand top-of-mind and get more of your products into American consumers’ shopping carts this winter.

Comforts of Home | Understanding Consumer Needs this Fall & Winter

Comforts of Home | Understanding Consumer Needs this Fall & Winter

What will your consumers expect of your brand this fall & winter?

How will your brand show consumers how to use your products to embrace the ‘comforts of home’ this fall & winter? Work with us to conduct virtual shopper research now to get the insights you need to craft the best marketing messaging and imagery to resonate with them. Learn more about our research below.

PR Campaign for Fall at Home | Seasonal Marketing

PR Campaign for Fall at Home | Seasonal Marketing

Seasons and holidays fuel the shopping and spending machine here in the USA.

We are offering a seasonal campaign, all around the theme of comfort, wellness and “comfort food,” to drive sales of your products this upcoming fall season. Work with Green Purse PR to keep your brand top-of-mind and get more of your products into American consumers’ shopping carts this fall.

Understanding Consumer Needs this Fall

Understanding Consumer Needs this Fall

What will your consumers expect of your brand this fall?

How will your brand show consumers how to use your products to embrace comfort at home this fall season? Work with us to conduct virtual shopper research now to get the insights you need to craft the best marketing messaging and imagery to resonate with them this autumn. Learn more about our research below.

Exploring the Japanese Market | Upcoming Shopper Research During February 2019

Shopping Along With Japanese Women

Upcoming Shopper Research in Japan During February 2019

Green Purse PR is gearing up for our upcoming travels to Japan to explore what products #GetInHerCart. During the month of February 2019, our CEO, Lisa Mabe, will be working on an already commissioned research project to explore how health-conscious Japanese women shop for premium grocery products at grocery stores in Tokyo.

Our project will include:

  • Market & product category insights from several grocery store visits

  • Shopper insights from shop-alongs with Japanese consumers (along with a native Japanese speaking translator.)

Since we will already be in the market, we’re open to conducting more shopper research projects while there. If you’re keen to better understand the Japanese market, from a consumer insights and grocery retail landscape, contact us here.

We’re so looking forward to exploring the food and grocery scene in Japan!

MUJI global flagship store in Tokyo’s Yurakucho neighborhood. Source:

MUJI global flagship store in Tokyo’s Yurakucho neighborhood. Source:

Exploring Natural Products Frequently Purchased by Millennial Women

Exploring Natural Products Frequently Purchased by Millennial Women

We recently asked our forum of health-conscious, millennial aged women about some of their favorite natural products they buy on a regular basis. We are launching a new series of blog posts, Natural Products Millennial Women Buy, where we will explore some of the products that ‘get in her cart’ and into her life.

What Shoppers' Grocery Carts Can Tell Us About Them

Shop and Learn | You Don't Really Know a Shopper Until You've Shopped With Them

Next time you're in the grocery store, take a peak into your fellow shoppers' grocery carts. It's fun to see what ends up in shoppers' carts, especially if it is your brand, or in my case, a client's product. By the way, whenever I do spot a client's product in someone's shopping cart, I almost always strike up a quick conversation with them. I usually carry coupons from my clients and offer them a few as a way to thank them for their loyalty. It's a nice touch point that often goes a very long way.

My perspective is you don't really know a shopper until you've shopped with them. That’s one of the premises that makes Green Purse PR unique and why shopper research is fundamental to all the public relations and social communications work we do. Being successful in your consumer marketing starts with understanding the consumer – identifying how they learn about products, how your products are likely to fit into their lifestyle and how to better serve their needs in order to create and maintain a connection (or relationship, if you’re lucky) with those shoppers. 

You don’t really know a shopper until you’ve shopped with them.
— - Lisa Mabe, CEO, Green Purse PR

What can you tell about the shopper from this look inside her shopping cart?

Maybe she is gathering ingredients to make a special meal. Perhaps it's for a weekend celebration, a dinner party, or maybe it's a work-week meal for her family. Whatever the case, it looks like she has kids, or a lot of cats, because that's a lot of whole, organic milk in there. 

I frequently conduct shopper research, shop-alongs, with women all around the world. Each time I shop with someone, I take into consideration every single product that gets in her cart. Taking into account what products #GetInHerCart, is one of the ways our shop-along research helps us uncover insights that later help us intelligently build successful consumer PR programs.

Some of the insights we learn from shop-alongs include:

  • What products catch her eyes, and what does not.
  • What other products (besides yours) she is buying and how those may even be used together.
  • Why she buys particular products over others.
  • What third party certifications, verifications or ratings she may be looking for.
  • How she connects, or does not connect, with brands and retailers.
  • How your product fits into her lifestyle.
  • How best to build and foster a relationship with consumers like her.

The list goes on and on.

Do you think it sounds smart to plan and implement a consumer marketing program or campaign without first bothering to do a little research on the very people who are hopefully going to buy your product?  No; that's not smart at all, but that's exactly what a lot of companies do.

Be the savvy company that DOES invest in understanding its target shoppers, and gets things right the first time. When you do, the insights you learn and connections you start, will deliver value both in the short and for a long time to come.

- Lisa Mabe-Konstantopoulos, Founder, Green Purse PR

Want Green Purse PR to shop with your consumers and garner insights to help you better connect with health-conscious women?

What do American women think about products from Australia & New Zealand?

Watch health-conscious American women tell us their impression of products from Australia and New Zealand

For companies keen to export to the USA, it's critical to understand the retail landscape and how consumers shop for products in their category. Before coming to Sydney to speak at the Naturally Good Expo, we crafted a short film featuring 'woman-on-the-street' style interviews.

We specifically targeted health-conscious women, asking them about products like fresh beef and lamb, as well as baby products, body care and healthy snacks. Watch the video below.

We regularly conduct shop-along research with female shoppers around the world. Our clients (and their retail customers) value the insights and practical recommendations we garner as a result of shopping with women who already shop at retail stores where our clients' products are sold.

We know Australia and New Zealand have a lot to offer consumers at home and abroad. Both countries have exceptional reputations for producing high quality, clean and green products that appeal to those looking for healthier options. The better you understand your shoppers, the more successful you can be to serve up the right kinds of marketing content at the right times and in the right places.  

Contact us to learn more about our shop-along research and how we use shopper insights to build and execute successful consumer-facing PR and social communications programs.