Environmentally-Conscious Fashion Consumers Looking to Wear the Change

Shoppers looking to Fashion Brands to help them make better, environmentally-friendly purchase decisions

From Trendsetters to Change-Makers: Consumers Eagerly Adopting Wearing the Change

Currently, we are in an age of heightened consumption. It is imperative to recognize that a failure to modify our consumption patterns will inevitably jeopardize our capacity to access essential resources in the future. A conscientious shift in our approach to consumption is a must for the sustained availability of goods and resources for future generations. The good news is, shoppers today are increasingly caring more about the materials they choose and the impact they have on people and the environment, and they are looking to fashion brands to help them “wear the change.”

While the fashion industry undeniably ranks among the foremost contributors to environmental degradation, there is hope embedded within its inherent capacity for rapid and transformative change. Characterized by its ability to swiftly adapt to evolving trends, the fashion industry possesses a unique agility that can be harnessed to drive positive environmental impact. Making this change starts with better understanding shoppers.

The Desire to Do Better: A New Era in Consumerism

Consumers are awakening to the environmental impact of their choices, and as the fashion industry holds a significant ecological footprint, the responsibility to usher in positive change lies squarely with fashion companies. This paradigm shift demands a reevaluation of manufacturing processes, sourcing strategies, and a renewed commitment to eco-conscious sourcing, practices, outcomes and impact. Fortunately, several leading fashion brands are making positive changes, but do shoppers fully appreciate them or is the message completely lost? This is where our the data from our consumer research comes into play.

Embracing Change for a Fashion Revolution

As consumers eagerly adopt the ethos of 'Wearing the Change,' fashion brands have an unprecedented opportunity to lead the charge toward a more sustainable future. Through Green Purse’s data-driven workshops like, Wearing the Change, shopper insights can empower these brands to not only better understand consumer desires, but to align their strategies with the values of a new era—one that celebrates conscious choices and places the planet at the forefront of fashion evolution. In the coming years, fashion won't just be about making a statement; it will be about making a difference. The journey starts by unveiling the consumer insights that propel us toward a regenerative and sustainable fashion landscape.

Work with Green Purse

Work with Green Purse during 2024 to better understand environmentally-conscious consumers and how fashion companies can best communicate their journey into doing better by the planet. Green Purse’s new workshop, Wearing the Change, guides fashion brands through fresh consumer insights around sustainability and what messaging resonates best with shoppers today. Contact us to book an in-person or virtual workshop with Green Purse’s CEO, Lisa Mabe.

Lisa Mabe

CEO & Buy-ologist, Green Purse