Product Photography to Fuel Your Social Media Program


Earlier this year we worked on a photo shoot for our client, Atkins Ranch, a leading grass fed lamb producer. The photography brings to life a Spring or Easter celebratory meal to fuel a ‘Spring Entertaining’ digital marketing campaign we worked on.

We work with a lot of meat companies, and it absolutely drives us crazy when we see brands on social media publishing the ugliest meat photos. It can be difficult to make meat look pretty, but it IS possible, but only if you know what you're doing. Nice looking imagery can go a long way in terms of inspiring consumers to seek out, buy, and cook with your products.

Does your food photography effectively communicate how your products fit into your target consumers' lives?

Here's a test we often do for our research clients -- we actually ask their consumers. Recently, we audited the visual assets of a new meat brand client (not the one featured in the images below) and found consumers rated their marketing images a 2 out of 10 (LOTS of room for improvement.) The better you know your consumer, the easier it becomes to create imagery and messaging that will speak their language. Learn more about our research here.

Below are some of our favorite images from our recent photo shoot for Atkins Ranch, featuring their bone-in leg of lamb available at Whole Foods Market.

Photo source: Atkins Ranch

Photo source: Atkins Ranch

Photo source: Atkins Ranch

Photo source: Atkins Ranch

Photo source: Atkins Ranch

Green Purse PR plans and creates product lifestyle and seasonal campaign photography and video content designed to fuel our clients’ digital and social communications and make it easier for shoppers to envision themselves purchasing and using your products. Click here and see the section, ‘content planning & creation’ to learn more about this service and contact us if you’re keen to create better visual content that resonates with your consumers.

* Product photography during COVID-19 pandemic times should be different than what you’ve had created in the past. We can certainly still create new content safely, but as a general rule, any new photography created for the Pandemic times should obviously reflect proper social distancing and not leaving the home. Chat to us to learn more about how product photography should be different during these quarantine days.