PR Campaign for Fall at Home | Seasonal Marketing

PR Campaign for Fall at Home | ‘There’s No Place Like Home’

Keep your brand top-of-mind + get more of your products into American consumers’ shopping carts this fall.

We love seasonal and holiday marketing campaigns. Seasons and holidays fuel the shopping and spending machine here in the USA. Don’t let the pandemic trick you into thinking it’s not ok to be talking with consumers about your products just because we’re going through a rough time. It is BECAUSE we are going through a rough time that it will be even more relevant and important for some brands to keep the conversations flowing with their customers. Also, keep in mind 1) you need to stay in business and 2) if you genuinely have a product that can meet a consumer need during this crazy time, they should know about it.

Since we’ll most certainly still be in pandemic mode this fall, marketers will have to think differently about how to connect effectively with their consumers. You’ll need to be especially timely, sensitive and only offering up things that people really could benefit from. This fall everything will be about staying well and staying sane at home. That includes self-care, exercising and staying healthy, cooking at home, making the home cozy and welcoming and trying to make the most of this unique time at home to make it special and fun instead of dreadful and boring.

Inspire consumers, who will be hungry for comfort at home

fall decor pr campaign usa

We are offering a seasonal campaign for food & beverage brands, all around the theme of ‘comfort at home’ to drive sales of your products this upcoming fall season. Work with Green Purse PR to keep your brand top-of-mind and get more of your products into American consumers’ shopping carts this fall.

Food and drinks are one of the small joys people have been finding in life since the COVID-19 outbreak. Especially now as usual forms of entertainment, like going out to restaurants, sporting events and traveling are more challenging, food is a way to make our #StayAtHome reality feel special.

Our campaign during October & November 2020 will reach millions of American consumers and include programs that are both paid and earned media, such as:

  • Virtual TV media tour.

  • Editorial Coverage in top-tier, national consumer media outlets (newspapers, blogs & magazines.)

  • Fall-themed visual content to fuel social media posts & advertising.

For more details, fill out the contact form below or contact us directly at lisa {at}


- Lisa Mabe-Konstantopoulos, Founder, Green Purse PR

no place like home fireplace
cozy home candles PR

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Plan ahead for winter

Work with us on a seasonal PR campaign for ‘Winter at Home’ this December 2020 - January 2021. Details here →→→