Retailers, How Are You Meeting The Needs Of New Mums?

Retailers, How Are You Meeting The Needs of New Mums?

Did you know 63% of new mums are changing their grocery, food and beverage purchase criteria? The biggest change is that they start buying organic. 
Source: Baby Center's 2015 State of Modern Motherhood Report

First time mothers represent a window of opportunity for grocery retailers. If retailers can reach new mums on the cusp of a new life stage (preferably while they are still pregnant) they could potentially keep them as loyal shoppers for a long time to come. 

Green Purse PR offers a unique way to better understand the mums that shop at your stores, as well as creative ideas on how to better connect with them and provide the resources and shopping experience that they are looking for.

Here are just a few questions to ask yourself:

  • How are you ensuring expecting mothers shop with you instead of your competitors?
  • How are you helping mums shop healthy?
  • How are you connecting with expecting mothers online?
  • Do you provide any special accommodations in-stores for mums?
  • Do you have a relationship with local mothers groups?
  • How are you making mums’ shopping experiences less hectic?

To help retailers better connect with new mums (most of which are Millennials), we've created a workshop called, Get In Her Trolley: Connecting with New Mums -- More Visits, Spending & Word-of-Mouth. This workshop is for savvy retailers who recognize that new mums are a driving force in natural and organic products, and want to tap into their spending power. 

Included in this project:

  • Shop-along research with 5 new mums in your stores (conducted in advance)
  • Presentation of industry best practices from other retailers connecting with mums
  • Presentation reporting results of shop-alongs, insights & recommendations
  • Live focus group with 3 new mums (optional)

When we conduct these types of workshops, our clients come away not only better understanding what shoppers want from them, but specific ideas and recommendations that they can then implement immediately. Join other leading retailers leveraging our insights on marketing to mums to stay ahead of your competition and continue building a profitable, sustainable businesses that attracts health-conscious mums.

Contact me, Lisa Mabe-Konstantopoulos, to schedule a customized workshop for your company at lisa {at} While Green Purse PR is headquartered in Washington, DC, we work with clients all around the globe. Given that I was recently based in Sydney, Australia, I am back in OZ regularly for client projects such as these. 

- Lisa Mabe-Konstantopoulos, Founder, Green Purse PR